Due to your hard work, lovely Candy Wei is reborn, perhaps not on the earth, but at least on the worldwide web.
Candy Wei Memorial Web, a new and a good idea of today, will be viewed all over the world from now on to forever.
The Memorial Web is alive and can grow. Besides putting more Candy’s newly found works into the web, the recollections of Candy’s friends’ and the viewers’ comments can be encouraged and can be added into the web. The items like ‘Discussion Forum’ or ‘Opinion Box’ may be worthy of consideration.
Candy’s works of both arts and writings are mature, unique, and surprising, Her webpage designs and poetry really impress me.
I never met Candy before, but I believe Candy Wei is one of a few true young artists in the first decade of the new century. The Memorial Website of hers has the potential to be an everlasting one.
Let’s keep work on and make this website a legend in the virtual world.