Lucien Miller

I had a tiny tiny moment in Candy’s earthly life which meant a lot to me. We corresponded for a while during high school. In my mind, she the “niece”, me the “uncle.” She was setting up, editing, and writing a magazine for young creative persons like herself. I got a taste of her wonderful spirit, flying to horizons I couldn’t even see. Such imagination, grace, and beauty. How grateful I am for encountering Candy. How graced all have been. And will be–through prayer, meditation, and good deeds. Just keep the relationship, like Jing, like Candy.

I much appreciate the going forward movement of what you Jing et al are doing for Candy. In my view, mortal life parting is only that, a parting, but the relation continues and deepens. Let me share this–we Catholics have a view of “Purgatory,” meaning that our purification continues after death. We will see as we are seen. We will love as we are loved. I think of you and Candy, hand-in-hand, as Mother-and-daughter, passing through purification together, “here,” and “there”. It’s positive, and very good. I’m not saying this is the truth for you–your Buddhist view is different–but I hope it is a comfort in your agony. There is light and you do and will see it, here-now, “through a glass, darkly,” here-after, “face to face.”