Anna Browning

This experience was one that was definitely life-changing. It has inspired me to live in other countries and learn new languages. I’m now planning on moving to France for 8 months and hope to continue traveling. It also renewed my interest in nature and wildlife because of the landscape’s beauty.

The town I lived in had a population of only 250 people. The school only had about 40 students total and was a 16th century castle that was reworked to be an art school. I was given my own studio and complete freedom to explore my artistic talents in whatever way I saw as my path with some small starting points given by the instructors, as well as one-on-one attention in my studio when it was asked for. It really helped me grow as both a person and an artist.

One never really can understand new and different things unless they are experienced first hand. And in the case of different cultures and countries, it is necessary to immerse oneself in it.